Global Máster en Marketing Digital & e-Commerce - Hybrid Learning

Global Máster en Marketing Digital & e-Commerce - Hybrid Learning

Full time

Curso impartido por:

Cursos de EAE Business School Barcelona Masters
  • Matrícula abierta
  • 12 month | 70 ECTS
  • On line
  • Master
  • España
  • Todas
  • Inglés

Dirigido a: At EAE, we train professionals with the profiles in the highest demand from companies and the competences required in the employment market. The knowledge and skills you acquire here and now will have a real impact on your professional life. Start imagining this bright future and take a look at some of the professional opportunities that await you with our Master in Digital Marketing.

Requisitos: To become an EAE student, you need to have a real thirst for learning, a dynamic and open spirit, and a desire to move forward in a participative and international environment. You have to be motivated to give your very best and not be afraid of demanding standards.

Experience: Minimum of 2 years of professional experience to access the master
Degree: A bachelor degree is required to access the master
Language Certification: An English certificate

Para qué te prepara: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have changed supplier-customer relations for good thanks to the consolidation of the internet and social media as effective customizable marketing tools. We now operate in a new scenario in which the rules of the game have changed. Nowadays, everything is fast, direct, measurable and deliverable anywhere.

The digital ecosystem is a fantastic hotbed of new ways of doing business. Companies have to prepare to embrace this new way of dealing with their customers. Therefore, the employment market demands a new profile of marketing professional with the ability to spot an opportunity to develop new strategies in a digital setting.

Certificado: EAE Master Degree

Contenido del curso Global Máster en Marketing Digital & e-Commerce - Hybrid Learning

Module 1. Foundations of Online Marketing and Electronic Commerce


Module 2. Online Marketing Planning


Module 3. Design and Development of an Electronic Commerce Site


Module 4. Organizational Effectiveness


Module 5. Minor


Module 6. Master's Thesis

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